Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by the devastating L.A. fires. We understand the loss and hardship these disasters bring, and we want to do our part to help.

If you’ve lost a ROTH ID TAG™ due to the fires, we’re offering a free replacement—please reach out to support@rothidtag.com for assistance.

Having witnessed the devastation of Hurricane Helene in our home state of North Carolina, we are reminded of the resilience and strength of our communities. As we continue to support recovery efforts here, we extend the same compassion and care to those affected in California.

Order ROTH ID TAGs Online Today


$19.99$79.95 USD

ROTH ID TAG™ Window Decal

ROTH ID TAG™ Window Decal

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99. USD

Original Kit Case (12 Kits)

ROTH ID TAG™ Kit – Case

$234.40 USD

The ROTH ID TAG was created after tragedy struck our own family.

On December 23, 2022, Julie Roth, beloved wife and mother, was traveling with her two small children when they were caught up in a 47+ vehicle pile-up on the Ohio Turnpike. Julie and Edna Rose, the baby she was carrying, did not survive, but her two other children did.

Injured and afraid, Julie’s two toddlers waited many hours to see a familiar face while emergency responders worked to identify them and contact their father, who was at work. Thankfully, Ayla and Rory Roth are alive and well today. They are the true reason for the ROTH ID TAG™ creation.