ROTH ID TAG™ Endorsements
“As a first responder and CPST (Child Passenger Safety Technician) with over 14 years experience, I can recall countless situations where the ROTH ID TAG™ would have made the scenario more manageable. From vehicle accidents to individuals with disabilities, the ROTH ID TAG™ will revolutionize the Fire and EMS industry. As unfortunate and unfair as it is, from tragedy comes evolution. The ROTH ID TAG™ is a silver lining to the Roth family.”
“I’m extremely excited for your ROTH ID TAG™ to become available. It’s a much needed product and will be very beneficial to first responders and motorists alike.“
“I think [the ROTH ID TAG™] looks great. The instructions are clear, short and simple. When it would be time to use the tags they are simple and fast to deploy. I think as long as we can start spreading awareness these are available there will be quite a demand for them. I plan to put two on my kids car seats for sure.“
“As an RN with experience in plenty of medical emergency situations, being able to contact family quickly and efficiently will decrease the stress and danger of already stressful and dangerous situations. The concept is a simple one and that is why it will work. While the concept is simple, the impact is not. Any medical professional who has ever had to figure out who to call, or to try and identify a child patient will tell you that. Any family member who has ever made desperate phone call after phone call to locate their family member knows. The ROTH ID TAG™ will change lives.“
First Responders & Medical Professionals: Share your thoughts
Proudly Partnered With & Endorsed By:
"I’m a firefighter/paramedic and came across my first Roth ID tag last night! mom was unresponsive and i was with baby girl for almost an hour on scene then suddenly thought to check the car again to see if we could find anything on the baby or someone to contact.
It was an officer who grabbed her from the car through a window before we were even on scene or else we would’ve looked throughly. This is such an amazing idea and was SO helpful and family was already there at the hospital waiting for us! I HIGHLY recommend all parents get these."
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The ROTH ID TAG was created after tragedy struck our own family.
On December 23, 2022, Julie Roth, beloved wife and mother, was traveling with her two small children when they were caught up in a 47+ vehicle pile-up on the Ohio Turnpike. Julie and Edna Rose, the baby she was carrying, did not survive, but her two other children did.
Injured and afraid, Julie’s two toddlers waited many hours to see a familiar face while emergency responders worked to identify them and contact their father, who was at work. Thankfully, Ayla and Rory Roth are alive and well today. They are the true reason for the ROTH ID TAG™ creation.

First Responder Approved

Patent-Pending Design

Made in the United States

Family Owned
& Operated