We are so grateful to all of our Community Partners and wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on one that is really going the extra mile to help us Keep Families Connected in Emergency Situations!

I just want you to know that last night was our Trustee meeting and I gave a presentation of the ROTH ID tags and how we are going to distribute them to our community. The Board was very excited and impressed with this. I will be handing them out at our Community day (June 22nd) and our Safety day (Sept 21st).
I have also asked our Medics that when they are on a call and notice children in the home to leave them the kits. Since all the information on how to use them, what they are for and why is in the envelope I figured it would be self-explanatory and the guys wouldn’t have to take away for their care of a patient by going over it all.
Also, my Fire Chief has sent it out to the Ohio Fire Chiefs Association that we are handing these out and to make their departments aware of the tag so they look for them should they be on an accident that involves children. He attached pictures of the kit and a link to your site with his email. He is, as we speak, responding to several departments on how I obtained these and how they can go about getting them also!
Finally, we have put the same information and your video on our Facebook page for the public to contact me if they would like to have these tags.
We are handing this out, free of charge, because I do not want another child to have to go thru what your sister’s children did. Also, because when my children were little (they are all adults now) what happened to your sister was my biggest fear. I kept index cards in the glovebox with my boy’s information and emergency contact info on them and prayed that if anything did happen that the first responders would find them.
We are trying to find creative ways to get these out to the public. I am going to be contacting the hospitals here to see if they still give out “baskets” to the mothers of newborns. If so, I am going to see if I can make up some sort of small gift bag from our township and include the tags in it.
As you can tell, I think this is such a wonderful way to make something positive out of such a terrible tragedy. Thank you for this opportunity to help others.
I am so sorry for your family’s loss and will keep you in my prayers.
Susan Schnegg

Administrative Assistant, Canton Twp Fire Department

The Canton Twp Fire Department ordered 500 ROTH ID TAGS™ to distribute to families in the Canton, Ohio area. We can’t thank Susan Schnegg and the Canton Twp Fire Department enough for their support! 

Order Today

Our Mission: Keeping Families Connected in Emergency Situations

The ROTH ID TAG™ was created after tragedy struck our own family. On December 23, 2022, Julie Roth a beloved wife and mother, was traveling with her two small children and they were caught up in a 47 car pile-up on the Ohio Turnpike. Julie and Edna Rose, the baby she was carrying, did not survive, but her two toddlers did.

Injured and afraid, the two toddlers waited hours to see a familiar face while emergency responders worked to identify them and contact Julie's husband Tony, their father who was at work. Ayla and Rory Roth are alive and well today. They are the  reason for the ROTH ID TAG™ creation.

Keeping families connected in emergency situations has been our mission since that tragic December day. We have worked with First Responders and CPSTs to develop a product that is compliant and accessible. We are parents and have worked with parents to fully understand the needs of children and individuals under a guardianship.

ROTH ID TAG™ is endorsed by the Julie Roth Memorial Foundation

The mission of the Julie Roth Memorial Foundation (JRMF) is Keeping Loved Ones Safe and Connected. JRMF does this by Providing information, guidance, and access to products that help YOU securely capture and share the most up-to-date Information needed by First Responders.