Did you know?  The Amazon Fulfillment Center in Charlotte, North Carolina is open to the public for free walking tours.  

We decided to have a team outing with our CEO and Founder, Lauren, to check out how our personal packages are fulfilled before they reach the front doors. In the future, we are excited to have our ROTH ID TAG Kits available on Amazon Prime and fulfilled through the same process we got to tour! 

The Charlotte fulfilment is the area’s first robotics sortable facility in North Carolina that is located on Tuckaseegee Road and only five minutes from the Charlotte Airport.  

Opened in 2019, Amazon associates ship smaller customer orders such as books and other items that are smaller than a conventional oven. We learned each step of the process on our tour, and that this facility alone processes about 1,000,000 packages a day! 

The ROTH ID TAG™ Original, Family and Mega Kit as well as Window Decal are available to purchase on Amazon, and in early 2025 will be available for order via Amazon Prime!  

Order ROTH ID TAGs Online Today


$19.99$79.95 USD

ROTH ID TAG™ Window Decal

ROTH ID TAG™ Window Decal

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99. USD

Original Kit Case (12 Kits)

ROTH ID TAG™ Kit – Case

$234.40 USD

The ROTH ID TAG was created after tragedy struck our own family.

On December 23, 2022, Julie Roth, beloved wife and mother, was traveling with her two small children when they were caught up in a 47+ vehicle pile-up on the Ohio Turnpike. Julie and Edna Rose, the baby she was carrying, did not survive, but her two other children did.

Injured and afraid, Julie’s two toddlers waited many hours to see a familiar face while emergency responders worked to identify them and contact their father, who was at work. Thankfully, Ayla and Rory Roth are alive and well today. They are the true reason for the ROTH ID TAG™ creation.